Friday 21 December 2012

Gift for soaking in warm water

All I want for Christmas is ... a bath. 

Do you know how, in the movies, the stars seem to plot their future best while soaking in a bathtub of overflowing bubbles in romantic candlelight and sipping champagne? This used to seem like a total cliche for me, as well as a waste of time - sure, it felt nice, but why spend an hour in the bathtub, I used to wonder.

As a mother of a small boy who's got a lot of energy to burn, I've come to realize that having an hour just for myself in the bathroom is pretty much the most exciting thing that could happen. Ever. I'm sure I'm not the only one to think so. And, since Christmas means not only good food and good fun with loved ones, but also some well-deserved time off, a bath may be on many a wishlist. So why not make the whole experience all the more enjoyable and, dare I say, luxurious with some nice complements to the bath?

The best soakers around? Ahead by a mile, of course, we have Lush. Made from organic fruits and vegetables combined with the finest oils, Lush bath products are healthy, creative and completely delicious. Whatever your pick, it's bound to strike just the right chord. And if you want to go all out, choose "All I Want for Christmas" - a holiday special package with 19 different bath time creations to enjoy well into the New Year. 

Second, there's always Sephora which, this season, is offering the most adorable limited edition collection of bath accessories, from the lovely assortment of bubble-making hearts to chic checkered candles and a cube of bath capsule. Chic and practical, these gift will make an impression on anyone you are offering them to this year. 

Looking for a more high-end option? Look no further than the gorgeous selection of oils from Aromatherapy Associates. Their Ultimate Bath & Shower Collection is a limited Christmas edition which rounds up nine different aromatic oils to complement any mood or time of day. 

Last, but certainly not least, if you're searching for something on the funny side, there's no better answer for you than Anatomicals. This is one company that has managed to bring the fun back to bath time by manufacturing what must be some of the coolest and funkiest (is this a word?) toiletry items the world has ever seen. Gift suggestions? Anything from "Your taps are going to be so turned on fruity bath foam" to "I should be so mucky (mucky, mucky, mucky) body cleanser". Warning: you may feel badly tempted to order some for yourself to. My advice? Give in to that temptation, you will not regret it. 

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